Welcome to Carver County, Minnesota Genealogy Research!
books at the Carver Historical Society |
Carver Newspapers at MHS |
Pre-1908 MN Land Patent Grants |
CCHS newspaper index |
Naturalization Record search at at the Iron Range Research Center |
MN Place Names from the MN Historical Society |
Thank You
Thank you to Kathy Hines who created, expanded and maintained this site for 25 years.
All of her work and your future contributions help to ensure free genealogy information is available to everyone.
Carver Co. index to marriage books A - E
Surnames: A-J K-Z
search engine by freefind |
Page updated December 2023
The MNGenWeb Project
The MNGenWeb Project coordinates genealogical links in each of the state's counties. It is affliated with USGenWeb, which is an outgrowth of a Kentucky project designed to link and store all databases useful for genealogical research.
If you would like to host one or more of the available Minnesota counties, please contact the Timothy Stowell, SC MNGenWeb.
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